Instruction Testimonials

Rob Currie


I first met Jeremy when I attended the BEMSEE CTC course in February 2007. I think I was pretty lucky to get Jeremy as my instructor as he was incredibly enthusiastic and always smiling. On the actual day of the CTC test there was limited time to tap into his knowledge, but when you did it was all useful stuff.

Before the day had finished Jeremy gave me his email address and mobile phone number and said to get in touch whenever I liked. I was amazed at this, but being a bit of a skeptical chap I thought it might just be all talk. I’m glad to say I was completely wrong! I emailed Jeremy once I was back home and have received regular communications from him since. Actually I think I might be boring him as I can’t stop talking about racing now I have done my first race.

Before my first race he told me to text him my position in the paddock so he could come and offer help. He duly turned up before my first race and imparted some words of wisdom. He came to see me after my first race but I missed him as I had gone to watch my mate in his race, but we caught up again later.

I don’t know if this is the idea of BEMSEE or the racers themselves, but it is a great idea for helping novices find their feet. As I said before, what makes it so good is the genuine enthusiasm that Jeremy has to help and I look forward to his mentoring during my first year.

Thanks Jeremy.

Rob Currie “Ruby” Forza Xtreme #31