Hints & Tips

On this page you will find a number of links to hints and tips to help you in all aspects of your racing. Some of the observations and comments are quite personal to the way I have approached racing and may not be the best fit for all profiles, characters and attitudes so take the comments and adapt them to your own needs.

What is important is that they may trigger some good ideas for you to use in your own race set-up and riding. There are lots of opinions on what is good and what is bad. Everyone is different! What is unquestionable is that conversation generates great ideas and answers. So use these links in a positive way and I am happy to go over anything that you would like to discuss further.


Motivation to Success

Frequently asked Questions

Coming Soon:
Tune Yourself & Your Bike
Set Your Goals
Race Preparation
Organise yourself
Positive Attitude
Focus & Commitment
Know Your Limits