Mentored Riders

Garry Budgen
Garry has been racing a few years now and has had a couple of wins under his belt in the rookie 400's and Supersport 400's.
He has moved to Thunderbikes for 2007 and started the season with the most incredible 4 out of 4 wins at Brands Hatch. Garry is a great friend and it's nice to know I have had some positive influence over the last few years to get him to this place. He did the riding and did a great job. 
Visit his site at for his full story.

Barry Dunstan
Barry started racing in 2006 and finished top rookie and third in the overall mini-twins championship. A fantastic effort and a very nice guy. He competes in the MRO Minitwins this year which is a little more competitive than the rookie one. The right attitude and temperament will ensure his, already quick pace, will get quicker as the season continues. Barry is one of the riders I have offered a small financial sponsorship to. 

Jon White
Jon received my first race award at Lydden in 2006 for being one of the best all round rookie racers. This was not just on ability but also for his approach and general enthusiasm to learn and improve. Another great guy and has now tied up with Barry (above) to pit share. Jon is another rider I have offered a small financial sponsorship to.
Visit Jon's race website at:

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Michael Tanousis
It's Michaels rookie year in 2007 and he is racing in the ACU Suzuki Cup. A regular track-dayer on his Fireblade Michael has taken the big leap into racing. We have been in contact since last year preparing him for the season and he has had a few eye openers already! Brimming with enthusiasm Michael will get himself through the season on grins alone!
Visit Michael's racing site at:

Rob Currie
Rob is a regular track day fanatic and has a beautiful 2002 Yamaha R1. He has a very smooth style and has decided to take the leap into racing. He was part of my group at the race school in February and has had a phenomenal start to his race season with a 2nd and 3rd in the rookies in the Forza Xtreme. A professional photographer he has a good eye for line!
Visit Rob's racing site at:
Visit Rob's Photography site at

Simon Baggett
Simon's first year racing is in the Thunderbikes on an old Yamaha FZ750. He was in my group at the race school at Mallory and unfortunately had the only FZ750 "triple" out there, at times it was a twin I believe! Despite the misfiring problems that continued to dog him at Brands Hatch he has a fantastic enthusiasm for racing and is a very nice chap to know. Once the FZ is sorted I know Simon will improve with every race.
Visit Simons amusing racing blog at:

Alex Bailey
Alex has been racing for three years now and is racing in the very competitive supersport 600 class in 2007. I have recently tied up with Alex to try and get some consistency into his riding and work on specific areas that are causing problems. Alex is a very likeable chap and is very eager to learn both technical and practical skills in his racing. He will do well once tamed!
Visit Alex's racing site at:

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Lee Hopcraft
It's Lee's first year and he brings motocross experience to the ash felt. At the Mallory Race School Lee impressed me with his smooth style and fantastic exit speed from corners. His first meeting at Brands was challenging where his van had been written off and he had nothing apart from his bike in the paddock! He should continue to improve well this year.

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Ady Goodwin
Ady is a big chap! He was great to have in the group at Mallory and is buzzing about racing. Unfortunately he didn't get to Brands and his first race meeting as he broke his pelvis playing football!! Who says bike racing is dangerous! Get well soon Ady and I look forward to getting your notes up on your first race.